Wolfe of the West Page 7
Wolfe looked around and realized he had four guns aimed directly at him and there was no way he could take them all out as well as save Lexi and Emma all by himself. Damn, where were his brothers?
Then he saw a slight movement from the back of the house, and Wade stepped out from the shadows just slightly with his rifle raised, and nodded toward Wolfe. He saw the slight reflection of something in the window, and hoped that was Warion covering him as well.
“All right. I’m putting down the gun.”
“Slowly,” ordered the man from behind him. “Keep your hands above your head.”
Wolfe did as ordered.
“Now kick it away from you,” came the next order. Wolfe tried not to look at his brothers because he didn’t want to give away their whereabouts. He reached out with his foot and kicked the revolver, purposely making sure it was still within reach if he dove for it.
“All right. Now let the ladies go,” said Wolfe, using all his senses to figure out which men were in range and the ones his brothers would shoot. He’d have one chance to dive for the gun and take out only one of them before they took him out as well.
“Jacko, let the girl go,” snarled the man from behind him. “But I’m taking this one for me, since she’s to my likin’.”
Wolfe knew now the man behind him wasn’t going to let go of Lexi, so he needed to shoot one of the other men first. The man in front of him pushed Emma to the side, and when he did, Wolfe dove for his gun and hoped for the best.
Shots rang out through the air, and he saw Wade step out from behind the house and aim his rifle at the man to Wolfe’s right. Anna Mae open the door of the house at the same time, and risked her life to pull little Emma back inside.
The sound of breaking glass was heard, and he saw Warion inside the house, the tip of his rifle aimed at the man at his left. Calculating everything in his head in a mere second, he retrieved his revolver, and when he did, the man in front of him fired off a shot. He managed to roll out of the way, but when he got to his knees to fire at Jacko, the man was already hitting the ground.
Wolfe’s sister, Ginny, stood in the open doorway of the house with a small Derringer pistol in her hand. She smiled at Wolfe and then disappeared back into the house and closed the door.
The sound of hoofbeats split the air as a horse rode by with the last man on it, holding a gun to Lexi’s head, using her body in front of him as a human shield. He wished now that he hadn’t removed the pistol from Lexi’s leg last night in the hayloft or she’d have had a chance of protecting herself. He hoped she’d had time to don it again, but rather doubted it at this point.
“Hold your fire,” he called out to his brothers, not wanting Lexi to be killed. One fast scope of the area told Wolfe that there were no more men to contend with. The rest of the Hendershott gang was dead.
He held his hand steady, but it was too much of a risk to shoot with Lexi pressed up close to Ted Hendershott atop the horse. He wasn’t sure what to do.
Then the oddest thing happened. A snake shot out from nowhere, spooking the horse and it reared up in the air. He saw Lexi bite the man’s hand, and he let go of her. She fell from the horse to the ground.
“No,” he cried out, running toward them, visions of Gretta falling from the horse embedded in his memory. He wouldn’t lose Lexi this way as well. He just wouldn’t let it happen.
As he approached, Ted Hendershott managed to get control of his horse, and to Wolfe’s horror he raised his gun, pointing it right at Lexi.
Wolfe felt as if things were in slow motion as he dove through the air with his gun in hand, blocking Lexi’s body and taking the bullet to his shoulder that would have killed her. He hit the ground hard, but before he did, he fired off a shot and his aim was true. His bullet went right through the outlaw’s heart. The man fell to the ground, and when he did, Wolfe felt the intense pain of the bullet embedded in his own shoulder. He faded in and out of consciousness, but before his vision faded to black, he saw the image of William standing next to the dead man.
The old knight smiled and nodded his head. “Well done, Billy, well done. You’re running with the de Wolfe pack once again.”
Chapter 9
Lexi had tended Wolfe’s wound for the last three days, but when the doctor from town left after digging out the bullet, he’d told her that it didn’t look promising and there was nothing much he could do.
Wolfe’s fever was high and he hadn’t yet woken. She had started to believe that she would lose him forever.
She walked out into the other room and closed the door. Everyone was waiting there, sullen, and silent.
“How is he?” asked Ginny, fanning herself as she paced back and forth.
Lexi bit back her tears and just shook her head.
“Mommy, is he going to die?” Emma ran to her and hid her head in the folds of Lexi’s long skirt.
“Only God knows that for sure, sweetie, but it doesn’t look good. The fever has taken a toll on his body and the wound can’t heal until the fever’s gone.” She ran a hand through her daughter’s downy auburn curls as she spoke.
“I don’t want him to die. I want Billy for my daddy.” Emma buried her face into Lexi’s skirt.
“You like him now?” asked Anna Mae from the other side of the room. “I thought you said you hated Wolfe. What made you change your mind?”
“He saved me and he saved Mommy,” said the girl. “I want him to protect us and be my new daddy.”
* * *
Wolfe floated above his body, having heard every word from the other room. His pain was gone now and he felt at peace. He knew he’d died, as he could see his tattered body lying broken on the bed, looking like hell.
“What are you thinking, Billy?”
He looked down to the foot of the bed to see William staring up at him with his one good eye.
“I’m thinking I don’t mind dying, because I feel like I’ve accomplished what I was supposed to do.”
“Did you?”
“You sound as if I didn’t do what you asked,” said Wolfe. “I brought my family back together, you saw it for yourself. The way they all helped out in the shootout, risking their lives was unbelievable. Even my prissy sister, Ginny, acted like a true family member.”
“Yes. It was a good thing, not only for you, but for the rest of your family as well.”
“The rest? Are you speaking of Lexi and Emma?”
“Don’t you consider them your family? After all, you asked her to marry you, and Emma has also accepted the fact you’ll be her father. You heard it for yourself just a moment ago.”
“I’m at peace now, William. I brought the family back together. But I’m going to miss the life I had planned with Lexi and her daughter. It makes me so sad to think she’s going to have to go through losing a second husband. That little girl doesn’t deserve growing up without a father either.”
“English, outta me way,” came a woman’s voice, and Wolfe looked down from above to see a woman leaning over his pale body, applying compresses of what looked poultices made of herbs.
“Jordan, what are you doing?” growled William.
“After all the talk o’ ye no’ givin’ up on family, I canna believe ye’re jest goin’ te stand there and watch Billy die.”
“Egads, I’m not a healer, wife, you know that. I’m a warrior.”
“And a foolish one at thet. Now I’ll no’ give up on me relatives, and neither will ye. I want te see Billy and Lexi have lots o’ grandchildren. Dinna ye?”
“Well, of course I do, dear. You know that.”
“So this is your wife, Jordan,” said Wolfe.
“Aye, and a stronger willed wench you’ll never see.” William smiled and just shook his head. “She’s good with healing, I’ll attest to that.” He rubbed his shoulder as he said it.
“Come along, let’s leave him be.” Jordan stood up and brushed her hands together. “He needs his rest now, English. Did ye hear me?”
“Thank you. Bo
th,” said Wolfe feeling the vibrations of the herbs already curing his fever, as he was somehow in and out of his physical body at the same time now. “Will I, or any of my family see either of you again?”
“I can’t answer that for sure,” said William. “But either way, you know that we will always be watching over you and your family from afar.” He put his arm around Jordan and she looked up and smiled at him and they slowly started to fade from sight.
“Billy? Are you awake?” Wolfe heard the beautiful sound of Lexi’s voice as the door to the room opened. “Who are you talking – OH!”
Wolfe opened one eye slowly and then the other and saw Lexi standing there with her hand over her mouth and her eyes opened wide.
“You saw them too?” It took most his strength just to talk.
“I saw a knight with an eyepatch and a woman in a tartan leaning over the bed.”
“That was just William and his wife, Jordan. It seems some family members never give up, no matter how many years have passed.”
Lexi rushed over and put her hand on his forehead and she smiled a wide smile. “Your fever. It’s gone! It’s a miracle.”
“Yes. It seems as if I’m going to live after all.”
“Everyone, come here, quickly!” she shouted. “Billy is going to live.” Everyone came running into the room to see what all the commotion was about.
“Wolfe, I’m so happy,” said Anna Mae, leaning over to hug him.
“Me too,” said Emma jumping onto the bed. “Billy, I want you to be my new daddy.”
“Wolfe, thank God you’re alive.” Ginny ran over and wrapped her arms around him as well.
“Damn it, brother, you had us worried,” said Warion.
“Yes, for a minute there I thought we were going to lose you,” added Wade. “Don’t do that again, you fool. I’d hate to think we saved your ass for nothing.”
“Well no one is going to lose me, and as soon as I can get out of this bed, I want to marry Lexi.” He reached out and took Lexi’s hands in his. “That is if she’ll still have me, as broken and battered as I am.”
“Of course I’ll still have you,” she said, and leaned over and kissed him on the lips. “The question is, will you still have me, after I almost got you killed?”
“You were only doing what any good mother would do for her child, trying to protect Emma.”
“You were doing the same,” said Emma, reminding him that indeed he had been.
“You are all going to stick around for the wedding, aren’t you?” Wolfe looked over to his brothers and sister.
“I’ve decided to stay here at the ranch after all,” said his sister, surprising all of them with her announcement.
“Ginny, you’re going to give up your lush life out east?” asked Wade.
“Yeah, don’t forget it’s dusty and dirty here, little sister,” added Warion with a smile.
Ginny looked down to her gown and brushed off an invisible speck of lint. “I have no one to go back to. I didn’t want to tell you all, but I’ve divorced my husband since he took up with another woman. I think I might just open up a dress shop here in town since the women of Texas have such drab gowns they make me want to yawn.” She looked over to Lexi. “You’ll need something to wear for the wedding, and I think I have just the gown you can borrow.”
“Oh, I’d love that, Ginny. Your gowns are all so beautiful. Thank you very much.” Lexi smiled, and Wolfe realized now that no matter how peaceful he felt being dead, the feeling he had inside him now when he looked at Lexi and the rest of his family was so much better.
Chapter 10
Lexi and Wolfe were married a week later, right there at the ranch. Everyone from Diamondback was invited, and Wolfe never realized how many friends he really had after all.
The place was packed with their guests. The priest stood atop a wooden crate so the people at the other end of the yard could see and hear him.
Wolfe’s shoulder was still hurting like a son-of-a-bitch, but the herbs that Jordan had used on him – even on the ghostly plane – had healed his fever and his wound nicely.
Lexi stood next to him looking like a princess, wearing one of Ginny’s elaborate gowns. It was burgundy velvet with lots of white lace, and peeking out from the plunging neckline was a satin corset. She didn’t wear a veil, but she did wear a pearl necklace that Anna Mae had given her, that supposedly had once belonged to Wolfe’s mother.
He felt sad that Lexi didn’t have anyone from her side of the family here, since they were all deceased. Still, she’d have a new family now in the de Wolfes.
“You may kiss the bride,” said the priest. Wolfe took Lexi in his arms and kissed her with so much passion, his brothers started up with the cat-calls.
“Save that for the hayloft later,” shouted Wade. Wolfe just ignored his comment, because that was exactly what he had in mind.
“Let’s give the newlyweds a round of applause,” shouted Warion, climbing up onto the stable fence to get everyone’s attention. The sea of people clapped and welcomed Lexi to the de Wolfe family.
“Daddy, give me a kiss too.” Emma, pushed her way in between them.
“Come here, pumpkin,” he said, picking her up and placing a big wet smooch on her cheek. “Now you’re going to eat all your peas today aren’t you?”
“Yuck,” she said, and everyone laughed. He put her down, and he and Lexi started to greet their guests.
“McCree, I’m glad you made it.” Wolfe reached out and shook the bounty hunter’s hand. “I take it all the dead bodies of the Hendershott gang got back to Nevada without disappearing this time?”
“Killian McCree laughed a deep, hearty laugh. “Not only that, but since there were four of them, the bounty was a substantial amount.” He handed a pouch filled with coins to Wolfe.
“This looks like the entire amount,” Wolfe said, peering into the bag.
“Your family helped catch them I hear, so just keep it all.”
“No, I couldn’t do that.” Wolfe shook his head, eying the money in his hand.
“I hear the ranch is in trouble, so this might help to get it back up and running again.”
“Thank you so much,” said Lexi with wide eyes. Then she reached over and gave Killian a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Hell, that was worth more than all the bounty put together,” said Killian, taking off his hat and holding it against his chest.
“Billy, we’ll be able to hire some men to help with the cattle drive now,” said Lexi excitedly.
They greeted more of their guests and then Anna Mae shouted out that it was time to eat. By the looks of the spread of food she’d laid out on the makeshift tables right off the front porch, Wolfe realized she’d probably spent her last penny on food to feed all the people at the wedding. “Maybe this money will come in handy after all,” said Wolfe. He reached into the bag and handed a gold coin back to Killian.
“What’s this for?” asked the bounty hunter.
“You brought in Jacko the first time, so keep it as your part of the bounty. We were working together.”
“Mighty kind of you,” he said with a nod. “So you plannin’ on hunting any more now that you’re married?”
“Oh, I’ll be hunting, but it won’t be for outlaws.” He pulled Lexi into his arms and gave her a hug. “I’ve learned lately just how important family is, and I don’t want to risk losing them again.”
“Again?” Killian raised a brow.
“It’s a long story.” Wolfe just smiled when he caught sight of William up in the window of the hayloft, looking down at him and nodding his approval. “Let’s just say, I’m no longer willing to be a lone wolf. Now that I’m with my family, the de Wolfe pack will always run together. I’ll make damned sure of it.”
“That’s why we’re both staying at the ranch as well.” Wade walked up with Warion at his side.
“You two are really going to stay here?” Wolfe liked the sound of this. Maybe his brothers were changing after all.
“You’re going to need help on the cattle drive,” said Warion. “We all know someone who can rope a steer a hell of a lot better than you.”
“You mean me,” said Wade, puffing out his chest.
“No. I meant me,” said Warion.
Wolfe knew his brothers would never change in the matter of trying to best each other, and just left them standing there arguing. He took Lexi behind the barn and pulled her into his arms and kissed her.
“I love you, Alexandra de Wolfe, and I want to welcome you to the de Wolfe pack.”
“I kind of like that. It’s got a nice ring to it,” she said, holding out her hand to let her gold wedding band shine in the sun.
“So you think you’ll be happy being married to someone like me?” He stared into her emerald eyes, never feeling happier in his life.
“I know I will, Billy, because I not only married my best friend, but I married a man who will always protect me and Emma. You are the leader of this wolf pack thing now, and I think you’ll do a great job inspiring the rest of your siblings.”
“It’s funny, Lexi, but I never thought of it before, but when my siblings and I left the ranch, we all headed to opposite corners. Warion went up north, Wade went down south, and Ginny went all the way out to the east coast. I ended up out west.”
“Then I guess I can say I got the leader of the pack, didn’t I?” Lexi reached up and kissed him again. “I just married the man I love. I married the Wolfe of the West.”
From the Author:
I hope you enjoyed Billy and Lexi’s story. I am honored and also thrilled to have been asked by the great Kathryn Le Veque to write a western novel set in her new de Wolfe World in amazon’s Kindle Worlds.
I really wanted to show the connection with the original de Wolfes – William and Jordan, from Kathryn’s book, The Wolfe. Actually, this was a spin-off from Serpent, where William plays a big part in the story.
If you enjoyed Wolfe of the West, I’d love for you to leave a review on amazon. In doing so, if you’d like to see a continuation of this story as a series, please let me know in your review. Would you like to see Wade, Warion, or Ginny’s story next?